Saturday, June 23, 2012

30 Day Writing Challenge: Day 10 - Internet Love

Wow, I'm up to Day 10 already. Note to self: Probably not a good idea to take on a 30 day writing challenge while also in the middle of training for a career change.  Just sayin'...

Today's Topic: Internet Love. Do we think this topic is about internet dating or just a general love of the internet? If we're talking about internet dating, I think I made my views on that well known in my posting from January 8, 2012 (Online Dating? Ugh!). Yeah, not a fan... at all!!!

But if we're talking about the internet and our love of it or lack thereof, well now that's a completely different story. As I've mentioned repeatedly regarding technology, I have a love/hate relationship and the internet is right there in the mix. The 'net is great for many things but can be incredibly destructive if put in the wrong hands. What are some of the negatives of the internet?  Just to name a few: it's always on; people lose their minds when it's down; it makes people angry; it's easy to fake things; it's hard to tell the truth from the lies; it's addicting; people are mean; and it's easy to spread hate.  That's just a few off the top of my head.

In general, though I think the good of the internet outweighs the bad. The time and money that is saved by having the internet is worth the price of admission.

Thank you Al Gore for creating the internet.  ;-)

What's up next? Day 11 - Foreign

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