Monday, June 25, 2012

30 Day Writing Challenge: Day 12 - Favorite Day of the Week

Today's topic: What's your favorite day of the week?  Today's topic is not as easy as it seems.  At first I thought that this was a no-brainer, but the more I gave it serious thought, the more difficult it was to answer the query. My comments here are based on when I have employment.  Over the past several months when I've had no employment, every day was a favorite day!  :-) 

There are certain days that are definitely not my favorites, such as Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays, but the rest of the days have equally good points about them. Thursdays start the slide into the weekend and are actually not too bad to get through. Plus, if you end up going out on a Thursday night, you only have to push through Friday. Fridays, generally speaking, are fairly easy to get through because people are moving a little slower and by early afternoon are starting to wind down to get ready for the weekend. Then you have Saturdays and Sundays which are pretty much all playtime for me with a few necessities thrown in, like grocery shopping or cleaning the apartment, both of which do not take much time and I find to be semi-enjoyable. Therefore you can see my dilemma on picking a "favorite" amongst those four days.  I suppose if I am hard-pressed to pick just one, it would probably be Saturday. Sunday I suppose would run a close second, although if you're not prepared for the week to come, Sunday nights can be as brutal as Monday mornings. 

Next: Day 13 - Panic

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