Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Taking A 30 Day Writing Challenge

Today, I stumbled upon a Facebook page dedicated to a 30 day writing challenge and I thought to myself: "Hmmm. This is intriguing." And even though the page appears not to be a very active page, the challenge sparked my excitement.  Here's the challenge:
"This challenge is to stimulate creativity in your writing, and to just have fun! One post a day, using these prompts. It can be poetry, short story, lyrics, anything you want!

Day 1:     Pick ten people you know and write a one-sentence description for each
Day 2:     Roses
Day 3:     How do you feel about the holidays
Day 4:     What do you sense you're supposed to do before your life is over
Day 5:     You can only keep five things you have. What will they be? Why?
Day 6:     Summer
Day 7:     A day in the life of a five-dollar bill
Day 8:     In-laws
Day 9:     Fertility
Day 10:   Internet love
Day 11:   Foreign
Day 12:   What is your favorite day of the week?
Day 13:   Panic
Day 14:   Prom mishaps
Day 15:   High School
Day 16:   Write about your three best friends
Day 17:   Write about your crush
Day 18:   Writing
Day 19:   Love Letter
Day 20:   Clueless
Day 21:   Pillow Talk
Day 22:   Write about your worst relationship
Day 23:   Valentine's Day
Day 24:   Anniversary
Day 25:   Penguins
Day 26:   Archery
Day 27:   Design a perfect day
Day 28:   Honor roll
Day 29:   Write about tests
Day 30:   Write about where you see yourself in five years"
I was never someone who wrote a lot growing up, other than required writing in school. No diaries, no journals, no unfinished novels, no short stories, no poetry, etc., but since I've been regularly writing this blog over the past year or so, I am finding that the act of writing is extremely therapeutic and liberating. I can understand why people would want do this as a full-time career. Although, lately, I've been worried that I'm running out of ideas. So I'm taking this 30 day challenge and will begin it tomorrow. The interesting part of this challenge is someone else dictating what I'm going to write about and as I look ahead at the list, I'm a little nervous - some of the ideas are formidable indeed. If any of my writer friends would like to join me, I'd love to have company.  Wish me luck and check daily to see if I get through all 30 challenges!


Stacie said...

I'll do it with you. :)

Sandi said...

Yay!!!! :-)