Thursday, June 21, 2012

30 Day Writing Challenge: Day 8 - In-Laws

Day 8's task is "In-Laws."  

This is a fairly simple task for me. I have extremely limited experience with in-laws, consisting of the spouses of my siblings only.  My eldest brother was married twice and frankly I didn't like either of his wives, then again neither did he. My next eldest brother has been married to his wife for 24 years and she is hands down my favorite sister-in-law. She's fantastic. In fact, I actually like her better than the brother she is married to. My sister has been married twice (as far as I know) and I've never met either one of her ex-husbands, so I cannot form any opinion on them. The youngest brother in our brood has taken marrying to a new high, having been married 4 times. Oy! I've met only 3 of the 4 wives.  Ex-sister-in-law #1 I really, really didn't like ... kind of loathed, in fact. Sister-in-law #2 was very nice - sweet even, but she was a born-again Christian and therefore we had absolutely nothing in common.  Wife #3 is the one I never met.  And current wife (#4) is a carbuncle on the butt of humanity. Fortunately I don't have to live with her.

That's the extent of my in-law experience.  I don't have in-laws though marriage and am pretty confident that never will experience married life and the joys of being a part of another family. We've all heard the tales of nightmare in-laws, but I'd like to think that those stories are in the minority. Although that could be the 'Pollyanna' in me talking. That might make for an interesting study: What percentage of the world actually gets along with their in-laws. I wonder which research facility would take on that task. Perhaps Bellevue?!

Next: Day 9 - Fertility

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