Monday, June 18, 2012

30 Day Writing Challenge: Day 5 - Keep Only 5 Things

Today's task is: "You can only keep five things you have. What will they be? Why?"  Only 5?  Hmmmm.  Very interesting.  The way I came up with my list is that I have decided to keep the things that I use on a daily basis, with one notable exception. Guess which! Here are the 5 things I would keep...

#1:  Cell phone.  I would assume that a cell phone would be most people's number 1 item, as it has become such a necessity. My daily uses are: as a method of communication (phone, email, text), for tracking exercise and food, taking photos, looking up information when away from the computer and a whole host of other uses. Sad to say, it has become an invaluable item - an item I once upon a time swore that I would never own. That old adage is true: "never say never."

#2:  iPod Touch. Before moving to MA, I transferred hundreds of cds to an external hard drive so I didn't have to lug all those discs around. I then put most of those albums on my iPod Touch, making the Touch the most convenient way in which to listen to music. I use my Touch every day. I absolutely must have inspiring, fun music to listen to when I go out for my daily power walk and the Touch is the perfect device. With over 6700 songs, I can always find something great to listen to.

#3:  A copy of Pride and Prejudice. Yes, Jane Austen is my favorite author and yes, Pride and Prejudice is my favorite book. It's a book that I read with such regularity (generally every 6 months or so) that I can quite possibly quote the entire novel verbatim. Having a copy of this book is a must! I suppose I could have listed my Kindle as an item to keep, which would allow me to keep hundreds of books including P&P. But I hate my Kindle. The only reason I have one is that when I packed my apartment last year to move, I had no reading material around so I bought a Kindle in order to read.  Since the move, I haven't even glanced at my Kindle. Why do I hate electronic readers? I am one of those weird people who prefers physical books over e-readers. Books encompass the usage of nearly all senses; sight being the most obvious. Many people have never noticed this, but books have the most amazing smell. Yeah, yeah. I've already said it. I'm weird. I smell books! There's no better smell than a new book ... except perhaps the smell of an old book. The feel of the paper under my fingers is always a comfort and a source of joy. Taste and hearing are the only two sense not involved with the act of reading a book.

#4:  Computer. Technology has really become an evil necessity. I have a complete love/hate relationship with technology, which is why I have a "technology fast" on my bucket list. Yes, technology makes our lives easier, but it also makes us less social physically with people because it's so easy to be social virtually.  But that being said, my computer is a daily necessity.  I'm on my computer for a good portion of my day, much to my chagrin: doing research for my new job, keeping in touch with family and friends, playing games, listening to music, writing blogs, etc. Much as I hate to say it, I need to keep my computer.

#5: Toothbrush and toothpaste:  Alright, I know it's a little strange to include a toothbrush, but really is there anything more disgusting than not being able to brush your teeth??  <shudder>  And I count the brush and paste as a set, it's not 2 items. Therefore, I'm not cheating and keeping 6 items! Really! I'm not!!! Okay, okay. I'm cheating, but it's my game, so I'll cheat if I want.

Those are my 5...okay...6 items. Also, these are NOT the items that I would want to have on a deserted island. All those electronics would be pointless on a deserted island.  In the case of being a castaway, I'd want a first aid kit, a small ax or hatchet, a utility tool, the complete works of William Shakespeare (this would take awhile to get through), and a shitload of duct tape. Why duct tape?  Because Mythbusters showed just how useful duct tape is when stuck on a deserted island!  :-)   

Next: Day 6 - Summer

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