Saturday, June 16, 2012

30 Day Writing Challenge: Day 3 - The Holidays

Day 3 of the Writing Challenge is "how do you feel about the holidays?"  Now I'm not entirely sure to which holidays they are referring.  Do they mean all holidays or just 'The Holidays' (the ones in December that everyone stresses over)?  I guess I'll have to wing this one. There are certain holidays I love and certain ones I loathe, which I suppose is normal. The holidays I love are: Thanksgiving, Halloween, Fourth of July, Memorial Day, and Labor Day. The holidays I loathe are: Christmas, New Year, my birthday, and Valentine's Day. Seriously, if I could hibernate from the day after Thanksgiving until February 15th, I would sign up for that every year.  Bears are so lucky! They get to gain 500 pounds and sleep through the worse part of the year. :-) About all other celebrations I am completely indifferent.

Of course I could be completely mistaken on the task and they could have meant The Holidays, "an  Australian indie pop/soul band" which formed in 2006.  I don't know them all that well, but what I've heard is alright.  Not my favorite but enjoyable enough, I suppose.  Listen for yourself:

Next up: Day 4 - My Bucket List

1 comment:

Barbara said...

I'm with you, Sandi. Hibernation from the day after Thanksgiving until Feb 15. Where do I sign up for that!