Wednesday, June 20, 2012

30 Day Writing Challenge: Day 7 - A $5's Day

Today's challenge is "a day in the life of a five-dollar bill."  I have tried and tried and tried to actually do this task but I completely suck at creative writing. It's the reason I didn't put "write a novel" on my bucket list because I cannot write fiction to save my life.  I made approximately four different attempts to complete this task and each story was quite possibly the worse written text on the face of the earth.  Oh no, wait. 50 Shades of Grey is the worse text so maybe what I wrote is the 2nd worse text.

Then I thought maybe I'd find a short film on a day in the life of a 5 dollar bill and post the link. There are a couple films on YouTube, but I found them to be a bit of a snooze-fest. I briefly considered "borrowing" a story that someone else wrote, but I couldn't do it for a couple of reasons. One, it's called plagiarism and that would be dishonest and two, the story wasn't that good.  :-)

So much as I hate to admit failure, I have decided to call this posting a washout. If someone would like to write this for me, I'll gladly post the story!

Next post: Day 8 - In-Laws

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