Monday, July 2, 2012

I HATE the Word Like!!!

Okay, I don't actually hate the word, especially when it's being used in a manner to which it was intended. For instance, "I like ice cream." Or "Apples are not like oranges." One is a statement of fact and the other is as a comparison. What I hate is the overusage of the word 'like' as a filler word. (Like) when I'm talking and (like) I don't know (like) what to say, so I (like) keep using the word like. ARGH! Why am I so cognizant of it these days? Try spending your time with nearly 800 20-somethings who are college graduates, but apparently never took a public speaking course the entire time they were in college. Or they took the course and the professor failed to fix this serious flaw.

Now, if you want to use the word 'like' as a filler in social conversations with friends, fine. Annoying, but fine. But for the love of Pete, please STOP saying 'like' when you are in a professional situation, particularly if you are planning on teaching!  The last thing impressionable students need is to have a teacher who doesn't know how to speak properly. We must work hard to end this assault on the English language! Can we create "Like-Free" Zones or something similar? 

When did 'like' become such an integral part of the American lexicon? I blame the 1983 movie Valley Girl for (like) introducing (like) this annoying (like) habit into our (like) conversations (like)!  "Valspeak" (or "Valley speak") is the correct terminology for this particular way of speaking and I just HATE it!  It really makes me want to punch someone in the face whenever I hear it. And I can do without the words 'ya know' as well.  "(Ya know) I really hate (like) when (like) my mom says (ya know) that she (like) can't (like) do my laundry (ya know)." I recognize that I am a grammar Nazi and I accept this about myself and actually I am proud of it. And I don't think I'm being overly critical of this annoying habit that young people have gotten into. As a new educator, I will do my best to rid this tendency among my students.

This video is an example of exactly what I've been dealing with for the past couple of weeks.  Hilarious in this clip, but truly annoying to listen to on a near constant basis!


Stacie said...

I (like) totally liked that blog & (like) video then I (like) liked it on your page, (you know)...(like) that's (like) weird (?) ;) (You know).

Sandi said...

I ♥ you, Stacie Theon!!!!

Lee said...

I like totally understand.... it is like sooo annoying!!! ♥

Sandi said...

Glad, like, everyone, like, understands. Ya know! ♥

Anonymous said...

OH finally someone who's blogging about this most annoyingly despicable usage of the word "LIKE." It has only gotten WORSE. I crazily watched Kelly Ripa w/ Jennifer Lopez and the TWO of them were doing this, this morning. It literally angers me, that a celeb such and J. Lopez who has been around for interviews and so prolific and so natural and fun, has reduced herself to this trashing our grammar. I hate to sound like a 'grammar Nazi' too but it is beyond annoying.

Shannon Woodard said...

Like oh my good god in heaven I'm not the only one who wants to kill myself when I hear that word 17 times in 2 sentences. It has to be related to misophonia. I swear I cringe at TV and radio daily as I make Mad dash to change the channel. I promise the next time I'm on TV or a radio interview I'm going to suck this particular statement in hopes I can bring attention to the over use of these words: Well like, you know, uh, um and you know like, uhm well like uh like you know, uhm well, like really it's like you know, uh uhm like..... What was I going to say? Oh I'm an editors nightmare??? Um uh well like you know like everyone like has a like job to do...duh big red truck... Like please someone kill now!