Saturday, July 7, 2012

30 Day Writing Challenge: Day 24 - Anniversary

The hanging of Lincoln's assassins.
Mary Surratt is on the far left
Today's task: Day 24 - Anniversary.  Again this is a somewhat vague topic. What type of anniversary are we talking about here?

I have no frame of reference for a marriage or relationship anniversary so that's out. I'm currently not employed, so employment anniversary is out. I could do a major event anniversary that is significant, but I can't think of one coming up (i.e., 9/11, the Kennedy assassination, etc.).  Ummm.  How about this?

Today, is the 147th anniversary of the first woman to be executed in the United States - Mary Surratt, for her role as conspirator in the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. Thank you, History Channel.  It's the best I can do!  

I suppose the only good thing about the horrendous assignments of the past few days is that I am able to bang them out pretty quickly because I either have nothing to say, nothing good to say and/or zero experience with the topic listed.  Good, because I'm really, really crazy busy right now!  :-)

The next topic is Day 25 - Penguins

1 comment:

Unknown said...

:) Or, aren't anniversaries just a hallmark commercialism event just like Valentine's day? One's celebration of an event should be in the living each day, not on a prescribed day determined by the general media. Why do we even celebrate birthdays, when you think about it, it is very silly. :)