Wednesday, July 11, 2012

30 Day Writing Challenge: Day 28 - Honor Roll

Day 28 - Honor Roll??  Who wrote this list anyway??  Okay, the honor roll.  I remember being on the honor roll a few times in elementary and middle schools, which isn't saying much. In elementary school, as long as you colored between the lines you could be on the honor roll. But I will say that when I was in high school, I was a bit of a slacker. I didn't work to my full potential, therefore I never ended up on the honor roll. I didn't have terrible grades at all, but I didn't work my butt off either. I was mostly A-/B+ student. But when I got to college, then I hit my stride.  I never was on the honor roll in high school, but was on the Dean's list in my community college and graduated summa cum laude from university. This is not bragging, just stating a fact. Because neither one of those accomplishments mean much in the real world.

What a dumb assignment!  :-)

Next up: Day 29 - Write About Tests

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