Thursday, July 5, 2012

30 Day Writing Challenge: Day 22 - Worst Relationship

Today's task is to "write about your worst relationship." Soooooo, again as with a few of the other posts, this task is a bit vague. What type of relationships do they mean?  Romantic?  Friendship?  Family?  Any and all??  I'll try to cover all, I guess.  As my longest romantic "relationship" was only 3 weeks and 30 years ago, I feel I can't really comment about the worst romantic relationship.  Technically, I've never had a long term romantic relationship and short term dating cannot be considered relationships and are not worth the time or effort to comment about. Additionally, I've spent a good portion of the past couple of years dealing with some of my worst friendship and family relationship issues and don't really feel like I want to re-visit any of it again. Therefore, I'm choosing to not comment on them. So what does that leave?  Hmmmmmmm.  I guess that leaves me with not much to talk about.  So here's a picture of a cute baby polar bear. I'm posting it because it makes me smile no matter what kind of day I'm having.  If you want to see 24 more cute baby animal photos, check out this blog.

Awww, isn't this just the
sweetest photo!!

Next up:  Day 23 - Valentine's Day


Jodi said...

Oh.... I could write FOREVER on this topic. ;o)

Sandi said...

Truth be known, so could I. :-)

Unknown said...

I, too, could write forever on this topic. The only question would be who to choose for each category -- romantic, friendship, interaction with bosses, etc. Maybe one should just focus on one's worst interaction with people who have road rage. :)

Sandi said...

LMAO!! I hear ya, Barbara!!