Wednesday, July 4, 2012

30 Day Writing Challenge: Day 21 - Pillow Talk

ARGH!  Pillow talk?  Really?? <sigh>  They're really scraping the bottom of the barrel with these past couple of topics. Again, I have nothing.  Although it did bring to mind the Doris Day-Rock Hudson movie from 1959. As opposed to yesterday's movie connection (Clueless), I have actually seen Pillow Talk, which is an enjoyable, if somewhat dated, romcom, about a man and woman who share a telephone line and despise each other, but then he has fun by romancing her with his voice disguised.  See... dated, but fun!

Beyond the 1959 movie, I cannot really comment on pillow talk as my pathetic love life can attest to. By the way, I know I've mentioned a bit about the sad state of affairs of my love life. Please, do not think that I'm in any way bitter about it. I'm a realist and this is just what the fates decided that it should be for me. I'm a little disappointed to be sure and even mildly amused about how pathetic it really is but not bitter. Que sera, sera! (Did you see what I did there??  Who was the original artist on that song?? Doris Day! It's come full circle.)

Next!  Day 22 - Write about your worst relationship

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