Tuesday, July 10, 2012

30 Day Writing Challenge: Day 27 - My Perfect Day

And now day 27 - My Perfect Day!  I'm going to end up sounding like a sappy, hopeless romantic, which I suppose I am.  Which is also why I am such a cynic when it comes to romantic relationships. One of the few things I would have liked to have in my life, hasn't happened and pretty much guaranteed it won't happen, but I can still dream of my perfect day. It's sort of a fairy tale, which is perhaps that is why I watch Disney animated movies as much as I do. Here's my perfect day:

Waking up on a sunny and warm Sunday morning in late spring with the person I love and who loves me equally.  Getting up to have a lazy breakfast and catch up on any little tidbits from the week that we hadn't discussed.  Maybe reading the Sunday New York Times and discussing the articles - maybe just enjoying each other's company.  After breakfast, we'd head over to the farmer's market to purchase some fresh produce and anything else that the market has to offer.  On our way back home, we'd stop by Starbucks for a beverage.  After dropping the produce back home, we'd head out for the day.  Depending on our mood, we'd either go for a long bike ride, or perhaps head out in the car to do some sightseeing, or even perhaps, we'd head into the city for an afternoon of theatre and dinner.  Any and all of these would make my day perfect.  After spending the day out and about, we'd return home, curl up on the couch with the cat and watch a movie.  

Now that's a perfect day. Yes, I'm a hopeless romantic.  Always have been, always will be.


Barbara said...

Your perfect day is very sweet and a perfect G rated 1940s movie. Very disneyesque. :-) I love your day. For real. However, keep in mind that most guys perfect day involve lots of X rated stuff -- which is why "men are from Mars....." so you might want to put at least a little R rated stuff into for compromise sake!! :-) hugs.

Sandi said...

LMAO!!!! I'm a sap! Yeah, I jumped right out of a Disney movie.