Sunday, July 8, 2012

30 Day Writing Challenge: Day 25 - Penguins

Today's assignment: Day 25 - Penguins.  Now this is a topic that I can write about!  I love, love, love penguins! When I lived in NYC, I used to visit the Central Park Zoo as often as I could and just hang out in the Penguins & Puffins house where I would sit and just watch them. They are just amazing creatures. When March of the Penguins was released in 2005, I went to see it 4 times within a month because I just couldn't get enough of these waddling, tuxedo-wearing, flightless birds. I do love seeing well-dressed men and women! 

One of my favorite comic strip characters is from Berkley Breathed's Bloom County and Opus comic strips - Opus the penguin. Yes, Opus has his own Wikipedia page! He is an "existentialist penguin," quite the dapper dresser and a definite ladies' penguin. 

Too bad I can't have one as a pet! If you aren't aware, owning a penguin as a pet is completely illegal (and I wouldn't be able to care for a penguin properly anyway). Although since I can't actually have one as a pet, I'm seriously thinking about donating to the World Wildlife Funds' Adopt an Emperor Penguin Program. That might be a good compromise. In the meantime, there is always the New England Aquarium in Boston who can supply me with my penguin fix!

 Next up! Day 26 - Archery
Not only is Opus styling a
fashionable tuxedo, but
what an awesome hat!


Tom said...

Hhhheeeyyy, look at that! I introduced you to Opus. Still one of my favorite comic strips is Bloom County!

Sandi said...

Indeed you did, big bro.