Wednesday, July 16, 2014

2nd 30 Day Writing Challenge: Day 3 - Top 3 Pet Peeves

Okay, we're at Day 3: What are your top three pet peeves?

What? I have to pick only three pet peeves? But I have so many. ARGH!!  Okay, I can do this. I've already mentioned in the past one of my bigger pet peeves ("I'm Starving!" No, You're Not!), so I won't repeat that one. Here are three of my top pet peeves:

1. People with bad table manners: This peeve runs a gamut of issues: chewing with mouths open, talking with mouths full, smacking and crunching food, slurping soup, belching, sucking on a straw when the glass is nearly empty, texting/emailing while at dinner with others, picking teeth, grooming (fixing hair, flossing teeth, etc.), waiving utensils about, blowing noses, etc. This list is just a partial list of things people shouldn't do when dining and yet I see it over and over again. And yes, I have actually seen someone flossing their teeth just after finishing a meal. Ever had dinner with someone who did any of these things? It's an embarrassment and makes you lose your appetite. This video is a perfect example:
I'm thoroughly grossed out now!

2. Hair where it shouldn't be: Hair stuck on bathroom walls, in a bar of soap, the drain, my food, etc. <shudder> It just grosses me out to no end. I remember being freaked out at the gym years ago when I went to take a shower and there was a long hair stuck to the wall of the shower. Fortunately I saw it before I stepped in or I would have had to take a shower all over again. Ugh!

3. Tapping, humming, whistling:  Pretty much any random noise irritates the ever loving crap out of me. It makes my insides uncomfortable, the hairs stand up on the back of my neck, and I believe who ever is doing it, is up to no good, about to be up to no good or already did something they shouldn't. Here's an example of something that just grates on my nerves! It's only 15 seconds long and yet I thought my head would explode just listening to this noise.

Tomorrow, Day 4: An Inspiring Person


Marianne said...

For me number one is rudeness. It comes in so many forms, it would take an hour to list them all. The worst is when people speak a different language in front of you when you know they speak English. If you don't want me to know what you are saying wait until I leave. Usually I can get the gist of the conversation and 90% of the time it is nothing requiring secrecy. This leads me to believed that they are purposely doing it to be rude. Grrrr.......

Second - skanky feet in sandals. Get a pedicure and shoes that fit gals. Toes hanging over the edge is just nasty. And guys if you have to wear socks with those sandals then a trip to the nail salon would be a good idea for you as well.

Third is people who pretend to be listening and then ask a question that you just answered and then take credit for your ideas. This is why I prefer email as a means of communication.

Sandi said...

Oooooh, these are three good ones that I complete concur with.

Jim said...

OMG I'm so down with 1 & 3! Clicking your pen in a meeting and your a grown ass "professional"....please! I unfortunately have too many to list as I'm way too intolerant, but I'll add driving in the left lane and not passing anyone. How about people who are always late!

Sandi said...

Yes, Jim. Those 2 are on my list as well. So aggravating!!!

Jim said...

Writing a check at the supermarket. What F'ng year are we in? Get a debit card! Oh you got me started!

Sandi said...

LOL!!!! Yes, the list is endless with the amount of morons and idiots in this world!

Jim said...

It sucks being perfect, but that's our burden.