Sunday, July 13, 2014

More Weird Kickstarter Campaigns

Yesterday's posting listed 5 Kickstarter campaigns that were weird, but actually got funded - some of them were funded way over the amounts they were looking for. Today, I wanted to give equal attention to all those Kickstarters that didn't get funded. Not everyone gets their dream. 

Here are just 5 of the weirdest unfunded Kickstarters - there are many, many, MANY more! There's a reason why they were not funded. 

What is a Juggalo?

Billing itself as "the most hated documentary in the world," this movie is about fans of the band Insane Clown Posse. Apparently, there has been a rash of violence related acts which have been attributed to fans of the ICP - a "horrorcore" hip-hop duo, and the filmmaker wanted to explore this idea and create a documentary on it.  Total raised: $5 of $5,000 goal.

Love of Music

As explained on the project's page, "Love Of Music is an on-going photo exploration of women posed in various romantic and erotic relationships with musical instruments (cello, guitars, harp, rock drums, etc.)". No one seemed interested. Total raised: $0 of $19,750 goal.

Glasses-Free 3D Game for the iPhone

This project revolved around selling you a special adhesive film for your iPhone that, once applied, would turn your device into an eye-popping 3D display. The pitch was that you could "simply apply the 3D Plus film to your iPhone and experience true 3D." But "true 3D" is impossible by way of a special film because of, you know, science.  Total raised: $21 of $15,000 goal.

Little Eatz, The Treat You BOTH Can Eat

Little Eatz sought to bring you snack food suitable for both dogs and people. But the food you would share with your dog is not human food. You would be eating dog food. 12 people that this idea was a good one. Total raised: $251 of $5,000 goal.

Homosexuals: The New Leper

With a title that's sure to turn some heads, Homosexuals: The New Leper was a pitch for a book that sought to reconcile homosexuality and religion. Despite the tone of the title, this project aimed to clarify what the Bible says regarding homosexuality and put an end to discrimination of gays based on the Bible. Go figure, with that awesome title, it didn't fare well. Total raised: $0 of $2,200 goal.

1 comment:

Tom said...

I can see why they weren't funded.