Monday, October 24, 2011

"I'm Starving!" No, You're Not!

Like most people, I have a few pet peeves. One of mine is when someone says to me "I'm starving." Really? Did you eat a meal this morning? Yesterday? The day before? Hmmmm, then I guess you're not starving. I have no problem with people saying that they're hungry, famished, rapacious, ravenous, can eat a horse, etc. It's the word 'starving' that bugs me. We've all seen the photos and videos of children who are quite literally starving to death all across the world, so don't tell me that 'you're starving.' I know it's simple turn of phrase but it's the quality of our words. I'm not a fan of always being "PC" in my dialogue, but this one phrase really, really annoys me because there are actually people starving. Just because you have not eaten something in a couple of hours, your next meal is as close as the nearest grocery store, restaurant or home kitchen. Here's my challenge: don't eat for 3 days and donate the money you would have spent on food to worthy hunger charity. Then you can see what it's like to be really hungry. Rant over - please return you to your regularly scheduled program.

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