Saturday, July 19, 2014

2nd 30 Day Writing Challenge: Day 6 - 5 Ways to Win My Heart

We're up to Day 6: "List 5 ways to win your heart."

No, no, no, no, NO!! I don't want to do this one! I hate this writing assignment! ARGH. Okay, I'll just suck it up and get it over with.


I don't need/want flowers, perfume or chocolates...well, I wouldn't say no to chocolates, but I don't need them. You want to give me a gift -- find a book that you think that I will enjoy and purchase it.  Even better, give me a library. Why a book? It indicates to me that you understand and know me.


Show me respect at all times - even when we're disagreeing. Respect my opinions, my likes, my dislikes. You don't have to like or agree with me in all things, but you need to respect my choices.


Make me laugh! Life's too short and is often awful. Laughter and good times are what makes life bearable.

Challenge my mind

I love to keep my intellect sharp, so challenge me. There are all sorts of ways to do this: introduce me to new things, trivia, friendly debates, etc.

Love my cat

My cat is the closest thing I have to a child. Love her or go away. 

Okay, done.  I never want to answer something like this again.

Tomorrow - Day 7: 10 songs I'm loving
How could you not love this furry face?


Marianne said...

Glad to know that you are not a material girl. Here are mine.

Five ways to win my heart.

1). Be honest. I am not fragile I can handle the truth. Besides as an insatiable truth seeker I will find out everything anyway. You can count n me to be brutally honest in return. And although I am not always successful, I will try to deliver that honesty with as much compassion and empathy as I am capable of.

2). Open up and trust me. Talk to me about anything and everything. I need to know things and am not afraid to ask. I will never exploit the trust by using your vulnerabilities against you. I ask because I care and genuinely want to know you better.

3). If you ask for my advice take it otherwise don't waste my time with your problems. This may appear to counter my need to know things. But telling me things because you want to, need to or because I have asked is decidedly different from telling me because you want my advice. There is nothing worse than formulating an excellent resolution to a problem only to have it not implemented. If you opt to ignore my advice do not revisit this problem with me, figure it out on your own and deal with the results.

4). Do not sweat the small stuff. Making more of a situation than it demands is exhausting. Accept what you cannot control and move on.

5). Amuse me. Make me laugh, be silly, witty and sarcastic. Compete with me, challenge me to think, feel and expand my horizons in ways that I would not have sought out on my own. Make me a better person. Write me a poem, draw me a picture and hug me often. I can buy myself diamonds but my heart needs honesty, trust, dependability and spontaneity. I hate over planning. Let's just go and see what we find when we get there!

Sandi said...

I hemmed and hawed about putting honesty on my list. I've been burned by that, but decided I've spoken about it ad nauseum.

Marianne said...

Yes, honesty is a must but do we really ever know?