Sunday, February 3, 2013

Can I Buy a Neuralyzer?

I definitely spend way too much time watching movies/television or reading books. How can I say that? Well, it's because some of these entertainments are completely messing up my life. As I read or watch, I immediately want the cool imaginary gadgets to use in my own life. For instance, in September 2012, I wrote that I wanted a time-turner from the world of Harry Potter.  (Still do, by the way.)

Last night, after re-watching Men in Black, I have decided I would like a neuralyzer. You know the gizmo I'm talking about: the silver-pen looking device with the red light, "little flashy-thing memory-messer-upper" (J). (See the photo.) This handy little gizmo can "erase the memories of the past hours, days, weeks, months or years, depending on the chosen settings". The best thing about this invention is that those memories can be altered not just erased. There are portions of my life that I would like to have rewritten and this gadget would be the perfect solution!  How amazing would that be?  Flash and you can have all those memories modified into less painful ones.  Woot, woot.  Sign me up!

If I can't have a neuralyzer, perhaps Lacuna Incorporated from Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind might be real and can selectively erase those portions of the last three years that I would like to have eradicated.  Hmmm.  A trip down to New York City to hunt for this corporation might be in order. 

Additional imaginary doodads that I would like to see invented are:  the sonic screwdriver and a TARDIS (from Doctor Who), the invisibility cloak (from Harry Potter), the transporter (from Star Trek), droids (from Star Wars), and pretty much every invention from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.  Each and every one of these inventions would add so much to my world. I'm sure there are some nerds out there working on these items.  Science nerds: please work faster!  And work on the neuralyzer first! Although a TARDIS would also be good.


Kim said...

I am with you on most of these for sure. The transporter is definitely at the top of my list. I have been saying for years that it is the number one invention that would change the world the most. Of course, even if they did invent it, I fear it would be cost prohibitive, and probably have health side effects. Way to mess with the fantasy

Sandi said...

Yeah, I'm sure cost is a factor. Isn't it always???