Friday, February 8, 2013

An Admiration For Dedication

Earlier today as it was snowing fairly steadily already, I had to walk across town to a vacationing friend's house to feed her cat, El Diablo (my name for her horrendous beast of an animal). I decided to walk instead of driving as the weather was already pretty bad. While taking the two mile (round trip) trek across town, I saw a few hearty souls out jogging!  What the... Yes, as the weather was quickly deteriorating and with the pending blizzard, there were a few nuts... uh...dedicated exercise enthusiasts out running.  <smh>  I don't get it, but I am in awe of these people.

This topic is actually something that I've been meaning to blog about for awhile. Every morning as I'm heading driving out to school between 6:30 and 6:45 am, I see the same people out running, in some of the worse weather - freezing cold, rain, sleet, snow, etc. and I can't help but wonder: "Where do they get their dedication?" For me, the minute the weather drops below 60 degrees, I'm done exercising out of doors. Of course, I also use every excuse possible in order not to exercise at all, which probably explains my ever expanding waistline. Therefore, I have never understood the commitment that exercise freaks have. Personally, the only time I'm running is if a big bad monster is chasing me with a knife. I appreciate certain types of dedication: career, education, loved ones, etc., but exercise??  Nope, I don't get it.

To all you jogging fanatics: I offer my sincerest admiration and raise a cupcake in honor of your devotion!

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