Sunday, February 24, 2013

A Message From the Great Beyond?

What's your opinion on spiritualism?  I've never been much into it except as a laugh. I occasionally read my horoscope, but never put any stock in it. When I was in my mid-20s, I went through an occult fascination which included candle rituals, Ouija boards, crystals, etc., which amounted to a lot of wasted money, time and energy. In the early 2000s, I would watch Crossing Over with John Edward because I was fascinated with figuring out how he did what he did. I assumed that there had to be some sort of trick about it. Just last summer, a friend dragged me down to Salem where we individually had our tarot cards read by a "psychic".  What a crock and a waste of $60! But we did have fun. Yes, I have a healthy dose of skepticism about spiritualism. I'm not saying it doesn't exist, I'm just not a strong believer.

You may be asking why I'm bringing this up. Well, I had a strange experience this morning that has been weighing on my mind all day. April 9th will mark the third anniversary of the death of a friend and former colleague, Dan. Dan was one of those amazingly special people who treated everyone like they were a close friend. He was always there for a laugh or a shoulder to cry.  He rarely (if ever) had a bad word for anybody and he was a completely genuine and honest person. What's even more amazing is that he was one of the best sales reps at my former company. One doesn't usually equate a genuine, kind, honest person with successful sales. (Yes, most sales reps are con artists and liars.) Dan was indeed a special, much loved and missed person. Those of us for whom Dan considered a friend were fortunate indeed.

Early this morning, I had the strangest dream about Dan. I don't remember the particulars of this dream because as I mentioned in my January dreams post, dreamers forget 90% of their dreams. What I do remember is Dan told me the following: "Sandi, I really hate being dead. It sucks."  I swear - those are direct quotes.  I'm guessing that the afterlife is not harps, clouds, and pearly gates. Now did Dan actually come to me in a dream?  <shrugs> I don't know for sure. Although it felt very real, but dreams are like that. Could it have been my own subconscious sending me a message? Most likely.  I just know that Dan or my subconscious has a message for us all:
Being dead sucks, Film at 11.  

Yeah, okay, I guess it's not such a riveting message and I'm not certain why I received this message, but in honor of my dear friend Dan, I thought I'd pass it along.  RIP, sunshine. You are missed!

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