Thursday, February 14, 2013

Yet Another Ridiculous Hallmark Holiday!

Bah hahahahaha!!!
I've said it before and I'll say it again - I LOATHE VALENTINE'S DAY!  And all other Hallmark holidays which serve to only make single people feel inadequate and people in relationships to spend money on empty, pointless crap.  Much as I hate this holiday, it was even worse this year than previous years. Why? Try working with teenagers who think that this holiday is the be all and end all holiday. It made the day ten times worse than any other year!  They run around school giving over-sized stuffed animals, love cards, chocolates, flowers, etc. Declaring their "everlasting love" (at the ages of 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, etc.). Plus I had to deal with one female student whose boyfriend decided to break up with her... yesterday.  She spent most of my class in a funk and on the edge of tears because they put so much emphasis on this nasty, horrendous day.  Most likely, the boy couldn't afford to buy her something so decided to break up with her instead. Seriously? This is the all important loving holiday.  Meh!

There was a tweet I saw which read: "Why program couples into thinking Feb 14 is the only day they can express their feelings to 1 another?"  Perhaps people should try being honest and loving on a daily basis, instead of annually! Don't think that my feelings about this holiday would change if I had a significant other.  It wouldn't.  I'm completely accepting of my singledom and have been for at least a decade...or two.  It's the insane expectations that this holiday brings on everyone that I take issue with.

In protest of this day, I wore all black to show my complete disgust and disregard for this dumb holiday.  I had to suffer through countless wishes of "Happy Valentine's Day, Miss".  Bah, humbug! Sheldon Cooper from Big Bang Theory has the perfect solution:


Tina said...

Thank you for this!! BRILLIANT!

Sandi said...

You are most welcome, my friend!

Almost 50 by Alvin Blackshear said...

When the National Florist Association and Hallmark Corp (read Mormons) send someone knocking on my door and ask me if I know you....

Paige said...

it's partly Shakespeare's fault....

Sandi said...

Hmmm. I'm torn. Love Shakespeare but hate Valentine's. What's an English nerd to do??

Paige said...

teach the kids the "real" Valentines' history...then use it to segue to Will.

Sandi said...

Next year, Paige.