Friday, November 22, 2013

Eyeball Bling? What The...WHAT!?!?

I am often amazed at the stupidity of people. I heard the following report on the morning news the other day:

A woman in New York City had a platinum heart jewel implanted in her eyeball, at the cost of a mere $3,000! The opthalmologist who performed this procedure says that he thinks it's pretty safe, but that she might have some local bleeding and perhaps an infection. Of course, the American Academy of Opthalmology is warning that this procedure might be dangerous (ya think!) and that there is not "sufficient evidence to support the safety or therapeutic value of this procedure." It urges people to "avoid placing in the eye any foreign body or material that is not approved by the FDA." The woman says: "50 percent of my friends are like what is it? Why do you need it oh my god are you crazy?" she says. "You're going to put something in your eye! But 50 percent of my friends are like oh my god it's super cool."  My conclusion after reading that statement: 50% of her friends are as moronic as she is!

Apparently, this woman is the first in NYC to have this procedure done, but it's been performed 100s of times in Europe and Los Angeles, ever since some doctor in Europe came up with this procedure in 2004. I'm sorry, but as someone who has never known, and never will know anything near 20/20 vision, I find the thought that someone would risk their vision in such a fantastically stupid way dumbfounding. Also, what is the point of it. To even see the stupid thing, you'd have to be inches away from her eye.

Of course the "doctor" who performed this procedure has a whole host of bizarre stories surrounding him. For example, when posted an article entitled "Best Roommate Ad Ever" about a Craigslist ad this weirdo opthalmologist placed looking for a roommate:
"Titled 'FREE STUDIO ON PARK AVE FOR PERSONAL ASSISTANT!', the post offers a free studio apartment in the basement of his office building in exchange for services as a 'personal assistant'. (Women only!) Including: Spending an hour 'either walking on my back... or if you are more than 115, you can just give me a deep masage.' Plus, helping him tidy up 'my ski house, my beach house, or my other beach house.' Also, finding him a girlfriend: 'Part of your assignment will probably be to reactivate my profile and troll for dates for me, as i don't really have the time to do this properly.' A daunting task, but if you succeed in finding Chynn a woman he eventually marries, you are richly rewarded—by his parents: 'my parents will give you a reward of $10,000 in cash, ie bills, so that's a bonus!' We have spent enough time researching Dr. Chynn to suspect this is likely true." (
Here's another article (from Huffington Post) about this bizarre doctor, which can give you even more information than you would ever want to know about him. Yeah, I'm going to trust my eyesight to this freak! 


Bonnie said...

I just don't see this...

Sandi said...

Ha! Funny lady!

Marianne said...

I've seen eyeball tattoos too. Gives me the creeps.

Tom said...

People are out of their f****** minds.