Saturday, November 9, 2013

Electronic Free Sundays!

Approximately 5 or 6 years ago, I had said that I was going to start implementing one "electronic free" day per week! I planned to take one day a week (generally on Sundays) and completely disconnect from the internet, the computer, the smart phone, email, etc. and use the time to explore the world, go to museums or zoos, read books, write, etc. I was pretty successful for awhile and then eventually the electronics slowly crept back into my life. Maybe I had a paper due for school and didn't get it done, so I needed to boot up the computer. Or I'd forget to turn off the phone and someone would text, call, email me and I'd stupidly answer the text, call or email. Well, no more!

After spending the majority of today on my couch, on the computer, and watching television, I've decided that it's time to implement Electronic Free Sundays again. Starting tomorrow, I will turn off the computer, the cell phone, and the television, and spend the day doing non-technology related activities. I noticed that I don't read as much as I used to because I'm either watching a movie or a television show. I certainly feel like I don't spend quality time with myself. I definitely have not spent enough time communing with nature. Time to remedy that!

I think it's a wise idea for everyone to take a break once a week from their electronics. Unplug yourself and focus on spending time with your family, friends, and (especially) yourself without the distractions of technology. Each individual will have to decide what electronics they are willing to do without for the day. Some people might include automobiles, microwaves and stoves, others may turn off just computers and cell phones, but continue to use e-readers or cameras. It's up to you to decide what you are willing to live without. For me, television might be difficult to do without - particularly when it's Downton Abbey or Once Upon a Time Sunday, but that's why we have DVRs.

There's a great website called Sabbath Manifesto that is specifically geared for people who would like to unplug one day a week. It even has ten principles to help guide those who are looking to get away from technology for the day:
  1. Avoid technology
  2. Connect with loved ones
  3. Nurture your health
  4. Get outside
  5. Avoid commerce
  6. Light candles
  7. Drink wine
  8. Eat bread
  9. Find silence
  10. Give back
I will say that there are a couple of principles that I cannot do - avoid commerce and drink wine, but otherwise, I think this list is a pretty good list to go by. Each individual Will this be easy? Probably not, but I am determined to start this practice up again. I will say that I will not be going

Who is with me? If you're not with me, but are looking for me on Sunday, I'll get back to you on Monday. :-)

Update on Sunday night: Well, I nearly made it through the entire day electronic free. I gave in around 6pm after spending the day reading a novel. When I gave up, I checked my phone for messages, emails and watched a couple of episodes of Breaking Bad. Oh well, there's always next week.

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