Sunday, January 13, 2013

"Turn Left"

If you could go back and change one small moment in your life, would you? Why or Why not? Now I'm not talking about some major event (for instance: not getting married, or changing what you studied in college, etc.), but something miniscule and seemingly unimportant.

I was recently rewatching an episode of Doctor Who, entitled "Turn Left" from Season 4 of the new series. (I finished watching Lost over the holidays - genius!) In this episode, Donna Noble is "persuaded by a fortune teller to examine her past: specifically, the first event that led to her encounter with the Doctor." When she returns to the past, Donna turns right instead of left, creating an alternative history in which she never meets the Doctor and the Doctor is killed because Donna's not there to save him. Thereby, creating a completely different, dystopian world - an excellent episode in my humble opinion. (Yeah, I'm a nerd. Got a problem with that?!)

That got me thinking though: Is there some small insignificant moment from my life (such as turning right instead of left) that I would change from my history and what would it be? For me, the answer ended up being a no brainer. 

On January 21, 2010, I would go home instead of going out to dinner. A seemingly small change, but one that would make a huge difference in my life. I won't go into the nitty gritty on how one innocent dinner nearly three years ago impacted my life as much as it did (and continues to). Just suffice to say, I would have been better off going home and picking up Chinese take-out!

How about you? Any small moments that you would change?


Bonnie said...

First, "Doctor Who", specifically the reivented "Doctor Who" is amazing! So, cheers to that. And as "Dear Old Dad" has always said, "I don't have no regrets, really. Der are times I shoulda zigged when I zagged. But I don't have no regrets." :-)

Sandi said...

Great answer, Bonnie! I guess in nearly 47 years only one regret isn't too bad. And actually, it's not even really a regret. Just something that I wish I didn't have a memory of. And yes, Doctor Who is amazing! Although I hate Matt Smith! :-)