Sunday, January 20, 2013

Need a Good Cry?? Watch These Movies!

I admit it, I'm a sap when it comes to tearjerker movies!  I love them, I weep through them, and I watch the same moves over and over again!  Last night, as I cried through one of my favorite tearjerkers, I decided it was time to list my top 5 favorite weepy movies!  These movies are the ones that I immediately go to if I feel the need to release some pent up emotions.  
  1. An Affair to Remember (1957):  This was the movie I watched last night for the umpteenth time and was weeping 40 minutes into the story. What could be better than a sexy Cary Grant, a beautiful Deborah Kerr and a moving and heartbreaking love story for all the ages!  I won't ruin the plot if anyone has lived under a rock for the past 56 years and has yet to see this wonderful movie. Terry McKay: "Oh, it's nobody's fault but my own! I was looking up... it was the nearest thing to heaven! You were there..."  A 5 tissue movie!
  2. Pride and Prejudice (1995):  In addition to being my favorite book, the 1995 BBC version of Pride and Prejudice is also one of my favorite movies. Colin Firth and Jennifer Ehle are the perfect pairing of the perfect couple: Fitzwilliam Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet. The magnetism between these two performers is exquisite.  And yes, I cry every time I watch it. Indeed, it is a long film - 5.5 hours, but every moment is just wonderful. Darcy: "In vain have I struggled. It will not do. My feelings will not be repressed. You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you."  A 5 tissue movie!  (Do not watch the dreadful Keira Knightley version - I don't know who ever decided that girl has talent.  She's an abomination as Lizzie.)
  3. Sense and Sensibility (1995):  My adoration of Jane Austen continues in this wonderful adaptation by the gifted Emma Thompson. This is a gorgeous, fantastically acted, brilliantly directed movie with the most amazing cast:  Emma, Hugh Grant, Kate Winslet, Alan Rickman, and Hugh Laurie - just to name a few.  I always weep at the end. Elinor is a lucky, lucky lady!  Edward to Elinor: "I-I've come here with no expectations, only to profess, now that I am at liberty to do so, that my heart is, and always will be, yours." A 4 tissue movie.
  4. North and South (2004): This lovely BBC movie is an adaptation of an Elizabeth Gaskel novel and continues my love affair with 19th century British literature. Starring the incredibly talented Daniela Denby-Ashe, the handsome Richard Armitage and one of my all-time favorites - Brendan Coyle (Bates from Downton Abbey fame), this movie pits two very strong leading characters against each other who break through their prejudice and inevitably fall in love. John Thornton to Margaret Hale: "I spoke to you about my feelings because I love you..." <sigh>  A 4 tissue movie!
  5. Much Ado About Nothing (1993):  Is there a better Shakespearean actor and director than Kenneth Branagh??  I submit an emphatic "no".  Much Ado is, without a doubt, my favorite Shakespearean comedy and in the capable hands of Branagh, it is one of the most brilliant movies ever!  But in addition to being hilariously funny, it is amazingly moving. The onscreen chemistry between Kenneth Branagh and Emma Thompson is not to be believed. It saddens me that they are no longer a couple. Additionally, Branagh puts together an amazing cast: Kate Beckinsale, Denzel Washington, Robert Sean Leoard, and Michael Keaton. The only mark against this movie: Keanu Reeves!  Ugh! Awful performance by Reeves. Benedick: "I do love nothing in the world so well as you: is not that strange?" This is a 3 tissue movie!
I don't suppose it's any wonder that all of these movies come under the genre of romance!  When it's the one thing you have never had (or will ever have) in your life, it's necessary to find an outlet elsewhere and I choose film as one of my escapes - books being the other.  There are several honorable mentions from me for the schmaltzy category: Beaches (1998), The Way We Were (1973), Love Story (1970), Terms of Endearment (1983), and Dead Poets Society (1989).  All of these movies are worthy of your tears. 

If you are looking for some quality tearjerker movies, these are my recommendations. Did I miss your favorite?? Let me know!


Franka said...

I routinely shed tears when I watch these movies also. But I also have to add The Sound of Music. Great choices from a wonderful and beautiful lady. Love and miss you.

Sandi said...

Oh wow, yes! How could I miss Sound of Music. Add that to my honorable mentions list!