Thursday, January 17, 2013

A Wookiee in my Car?? Sign me up!

Today, I was chatting with a colleague who is one of those types who has an infinite amount of knowledge about nothing particularly useful or relevant, but it's all really, really funny - you know the type!  We managed to get on the topic of GPS navigation systems.  He happened to mentioned that one of the voices now available is that of a Wookiee.  I have to admit, this excited the Star Wars geek in me!  

I can get behind this idea for a couple of reasons.  First, the 3 original Star Wars movies are amazing and is still one of my favorite movie franchises.  But, even more importantly, I hate, hate, hate the woman who currently gives me directions.  I feel that she is very judgmental whenever she says "recalculating" or "when you can, make a legal u-turn" just because I didn't follow her directions.  Do I really need her to say a "legal" u-turn? Do I seem like someone who would make an "illegal" u-turn?  Humph!

My only concern with having a Wookiee giving me driving directions is that I don't actually speak Wookiee!!  Is there a Rosetta Stone program for learning Wookiee?  Has anyone ever actually created a Wookiee dictionary?  I know that there are Klingon dictionaries, Vulcan dictionaries, Elvish dictionaries, and I'm sure a whole host of other made-up language dictionaries, but Wookiee??  I must do further research.  In the meantime...


Erin said...

Hahahahahahahahaha!!!!! Love this!!!

Sandi said...

Glad you enjoyed, Erin! I have to admit I was laughing as I wrote it! :-)

Erin said...

I'd give anything to get rid of that know-it-all GPS lady. I've also heard of the Simpsons. :-)

Sandi said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oooh, the Simpsons. That would be amazing too.

Paige said...

I would not do well with a GPS. Every time I travel with a friend who has one, I end up back-talking the bi%@h...."I'll turn when I dang well want to turn...." "recalculate this!" etc.... although an occasional "D'oh" might amuse me

Sandi said...

LMAO!!! I'm right there with you, Paige!

Paul said...

But seriously, how can you have a GPS in Wookie? Do people really speak Wookie? Fluently enough to follow driving directions at 65 mph?

Sandi said...

Hmm. Good point, Paul. Maybe all you need to know in Wookiee is "recalculating" and "when you can, make a legal u-turn."