Friday, January 11, 2013

I Don't Need a Man, Except...

I consider myself a strong, independent woman who doesn't require anyone's assistance and has the ability to take care of most tasks all by herself. For example, I've put flat-pack furniture together, carried heavy objects up flights of stairs, painted rooms, changed light bulbs out of my reach, put up my own shelves, taken out the trash, plunged a toilet, raked leaves, mowed lawns, etc. (the so called "man chores").  But there is one notable exception that I cannot do on my own. NOOOOOOO! It's not what you're thinking - pigs! Quite frankly, I can handle that on my own, too. Nope, what I'm talking about is automotive maintenance. I know, I know - so much for equality, but seriously, I suck at this task!

Much as I love cars and driving, I am a horrendous automobile owner. I forget to get the oil changed, or check the levels on my car's fluids, or check the tire pressure, etc.  Maintaining a car is just not a high priority for me, which is why this issue makes me feel like I have to have a mechanically inclined person in my life that I can turn to. But I have none and because I refuse to even dip my big toe into the scummy, slime-filled dating pool, I need to find an alternative to my occasional mechanical woes. I have a request for my friends with mechanically handy partners (of any gender - I know there are some women who are better at car maintenance than many men): Can I borrow your partner every couple of months or so for automotive maintenance assistance?  Trust me - you will get them back. And you will be rewarded with my world famous baked goodies, like cookies, cakes, and/or pies!  Any takers?  Anyone, anyone?  Bueller?

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