Sunday, September 30, 2012

Reliving my Childhood - A Fluffernutter Sandwich!

Okay, sometimes you just have to do it!  You have to go back and relive something that you loved in your childhood and see if it still holds up as an adult.  Now, there are some childhood treats that absolutely do NOT hold up as an adult ... at least not for me. For example, cotton candy. I tried some a few years back at a Yankee game. Wow, that's some overly sweet, nasty stuff ... and insanely expensive to boot, considering it's just sugar!  Oh, wait, no that's because it was at Yankee Stadium. 

Today, while in the grocery store, I happened to walk down the aisle where the Marshmallow Fluff was shelved and I thought, "Hmmm, how long has it been since I had myself a Fluffernutter sandwich?  30, 35 years?"  Being the impulse shopper that I am, I picked up a small jar of Marshmallow Fluff.  I just couldn't seem to resist the urge.  And I wonder why I can't lose the last 30 pounds I'd like to lose.  :-)

I got home, grabbed a tortilla (I hate white bread), scooped out some peanut butter, spread a little Fluff on it and bam!  A tasty snack. Now for me, because Fluff is rather sweet, a little goes a long way.  Therefore, I only used about 1 tablespoon, but let me tell you, this is one childhood snacks that is still pretty delicious to wolf down as an adult. Yum, yum, yum.  Of course, now I have a jar of Fluff which is probably not the healthiest of options to have in my larder. Oh well, such is life! What's your favorite childhood food that you still eat as an adult??

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