Monday, September 17, 2012

Where Have All the Nerds Gone?

After years of taking for granted the fact that I was surrounded by some of the smartest computer nerds you could ever meet, I am sorely missing having these nerds around. My old company had a bevy of techies running around.  Truly brilliant people for whom technology was a walk in the park and I could easily pick their brains on various technological queries!! And now...???

I'm surrounded by educators who can barely turn on a computer. Love the educators but I miss being able to walk a few feet to talk to a techno-geek and get their assistance on my technological needs. Now, you should understand something. On a techno-savvy scale of 1-5, I score probably around a 3.5 or 4, but there are always those things that are just beyond my abilities and that's when I need a nerd!  Sad to say, I have no nerds in my life right now...  Well, let me amend that statement - no technology nerds.  I've got lots of book nerds around me, which is fantastic, but they can't really help when I have technology issues.  

I think Bill Gates needs to clone himself in miniature so everyone can have a little pocket computer geek.  What say you, Bill?  I'm sure this technology is well within your realm.  Get on it, please! 

What lesson did I learn today? Never underestimate the necessity of techno-geeks.

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