Thursday, September 27, 2012

A Teenage Love Poem...

Today, I took my Freshman honors class to the library for a library orientation.  Shockingly, some of them had never been to a library before because their elementary and middle schools did not have libraries.  <sigh>  Such a sad statement.  After going through the orientation, they went on a library scavenger hunt where they did things like "find a book in the biography section which is about a person who has the same initial as your last name".  It was a fun way to end my day.

While we were there, one student came across a collection of 100 love poems written by teenagers, called Falling Hard (edited by Betsy Franco).   She shared one of the poems with me, which I would now like to share with you:

I Love You

Looking into your eyes, my heart skips a beat
And it makes me want to vomit.
You mean the world to me and I hate that
I love you with all my heart
So I think I'll kill myself.
You make me feel like no on else can
So I know I can't trust you.
You are my one, my only
Piece of shit that I can't stand.
I love you.
                                                                                   - Alana Gracia Sopko, Age 14

Who says kids don't know what's going on these days?  I'd say this poem is pretty much right on the money.  Age 14, and already so wise!  And fits in so nicely with my previous posting.  Heh heh! 


Paul said...

ROSE: Do you love him, Loretta?
ROSE: Good. When you love them they drive you crazy 'cause they know they can.

Sandi said...

Love! Thanks, Paul!!!!