Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Brave or Cowardly - Which Would You Choose?

I assume most people would say that they would choose to be brave, but I wonder...  Friends and family have given me kudos for "being brave" in completely uprooting my life and making a huge drastic change in career, location, salary, etc.  I don't know about brave.  It may be folly, but I did what I had to do to be happy in this world.  So why would so many people choose otherwise?

I've been grappling with this query for a long time. There are so many people who are afraid to make changes in their life and just stick with the status quo.  Fine, that's a choice you can make, but then don't whine, bitch, and complain about it.  Either make a change or accept the life that you've chosen.  I have this discussion with my students a lot!  I'm tired of hearing complaints from people who just want some recognition for their misery.  Well, I'm sorry, my friends, but you have choices in this world.  If you want to stay in your miserable life, that's your choice. So either you don't really want out of your current situation because you think you can fix it, or you're a coward and don't want to commit to something else.  Then it should be said: if you think you can fix your life, then fix it!  But don't lie and tell people that you're stuck.  No one is stuck.  Either make a change or suck it up.  This means every aspect of life, whether it's politics, career, personal, etc.  I'm tired of people whining and complaining.  If I can do something about my life, so can you.  It doesn't really take bravery, just commitment. Once you have the commitment and stick to it, it can all fall into place.  I'm not saying it's easy, but I am saying you can do it!  

And if your commitment is to stay in your current miserable life, then stop lying to others about wanting to make the change, because quite frankly we all have problems and most of us are tired of hearing people complain and then doing nothing about it.

One last item, before I step down from my soapbox,  it's also time people stop blaming the rest of the world for their unhappiness or problems.  Take some ownership of your life!  I admit that I'm not a perfect person and I have my share of problems.  But they are my problems.  Time to stop railing at the world for your issues.  Yes, I can say that I was completely screwed over in my life by several people, but I allowed it happen!  Yes, they were terrible, awful people who did terrible, awful things.  But ultimately, it's all on me because I allowed them to take advantage of me and hurt me.  I take ownership of it.  Time for others to do the same.

Okay, I'm done now.  You can return to your lives.  Just don't come complaining to me if your life is not all that it's cracked up to be.  I don't want to hear it, unless you're looking to make a change.  Then I will be happy to help in any way I can!

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