Tuesday, November 25, 2014

A Lost Day (Day 36 - GToE)

I guess it was bound to happen - an entire day lost to unforeseen circumstances. This post should be short and sweet.

The day began with a 6am wake up due to the 7:15am train from Paris to Barcelona (or as the locals say: Barthelona). I arrived at the train station with plenty of time to get myself some breakfast: a hot chocolate and a chocolate braid (basically a twisted chocolate croissant). I should have known something was up right away when nothing tasted right. I sipped a bit of hot chocolate and then tossed it before getting on the train. I ate half the braid, but figured I'd save the rest for later. I assumed my taste buds were off because it was early.

During the 6.5 hour train ride, I started feeling more and more ill. The other half of the braid made me feel worse. The 2 hour nap didn't help. By the time I reached Barcelona, I wanted to hop on a plane home because I felt so awful and said to myself "I'm over this." I seriously thought that my head was going to explode and something was going to burst out of my body like in the movie Alien. I was in tears due to the pain. Don't ask me what caused this, but I suspect it might have been the sandwich that I picked up from the convenience store.

I got to my hostel and checked in. I immediately posted on Facebook that I arrived safe, but that I was sick. I then closed the privacy curtain around my bed and fell asleep from about 3pm until nearly 6pm. Therefore, the only things I've seen today are the insides of my eyelids and my hostel. Actually, that's not entirely true. After I woke up, I took a little walk around the block and got a bite to eat - wrong move because the food is making me feel awful again. An entire day lost to travel and illness.

Time for bed and the hopes that I will wake up feeling better and can see some sights. Although, in an 8 person dorm, getting a good night's sleep might be difficult. Time to dig out the ear plugs.

Note: The weather is mild (mid-60s), but the forecast is calling for rain most days that I'm here. Oh well. No new photos on my GToE photo site.
I love hostels with privacy curtains. Makes
a world of difference.


Jennifer G said...

If you can find some activated charchol tablets- they are magical on fixing tummies. Feel better soon!!'

Tania said...

awe - feel better soon. i hope you are able to get some well needed rest and wake up feeling good and ready to continue your amazing travels....xoxo

Tom said...

Feel better soon. I need to see pics of Barthelona. You know I'll never get there.

Gretchen said...

Oh gosh, Sandi...I hope it passes QUICKLY!!!

Jen and Bill said...

Hi Sandi. Tuesday night is quiz night at the Vic, as you know. We miss you. Came in fifth out of ten teams. Thinking of you.
Jen and Bill