Sunday, December 2, 2012

The Warm Place on the Couch!

"That's my spot you're sitting in, cat!"
Today I realized that it's been well over a year since I've written about Lotta, the Wonder Cat.  My little furry companion is still my pride and joy.  But there's one thing she does that drives me completely insane. 

She steals my place on the couch!

<grrr> The minute I get up to do something: get water from the kitchen, a visit to the loo, etc., she feels it's well within her rights as my boss to plunk her butt down in my seat.  I fully understand that made it nice and warm for her, but still and all, I do own this couch. It's completely irrelevant to her that I'm much larger and it's through my opposable thumbs that she gets fed!  Nope, as the only member of her staff, she feels she has the right to boss me around and I suppose she does. The minute I shove her off, she gives me an indignant look.  I almost feel guilty... almost!

Ah, the joys of cat ownership. Between the seat stealing and the running around like a lunatic at 3 in the morning, she's lucky she's lived as long as she has. Good thing she's as cute and cuddly as she is!
Her "normal" spot on the couch.

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