Tuesday, October 23, 2012

I Laugh So Hard, I Cried!

While trolling around the internet, I stumbled upon one of the funniest -- if not THE funniest -- website ever!  If you have never heard of David Thorne (Australian humorist, satirist, Internet personality, and New York Times best-selling author) or his blog, 27b/6, then you are in for a fantastic surprise.  If you aren't laughing your... erm... head off within 30 seconds of reading any of his postings, I will be sorely disappointed! At the very least, you absolutely MUST read Justin's Floodlights, Missing Mindy, and Overdue Account.  I howled with laughter!

Another one of his postings is genius: Magic 8 Ball Wednesday, in which he writes the following: "I sent an email to a friend recently, asking several different questions, and he replied with the single answer 'Yes, probably.' It was obvious that he had either not bothered reading the email or could not be bothered answering my questions. The next day when he emailed me, I replied using the Mattel® Magic 8 Ball™ to generate the random answers."  Thorne then posts the email exchange between the two of them. This is the most brilliant idea ever! Of course, when you are best-selling author, you don't really have to worry about losing your job over practical jokes like this one, but in theory, I would love to try answering emails with Magic 8 balls!  After all, I do keep one on my desk at school!

If you need a really good laugh (and really who doesn't), check out his website. I promise it's well worth the visit!

[Updated at 8:55pm] A friend passed along Thorne's posting, Permission Slip and I needed to add it because it is another MUST read posting. It's especially relevant for anyone with children! Enjoy!!!


Kim said...

I love him - My first introduction was his "Permission Slip" that someone sent me. I nearly died laughing. http://www.27bslash6.com/easter.html

Sandi said...

Yeah, I need to get the books. I don't know how I've missed out on him. And Permission Slip is brilliant!! I hadn't gotten around to reading this one yet. Thanks for passing it along!

Paul said...

"What burns with the light of a thousand suns and is in the letterbox?" Brilliant, thanks

Sandi said...

Paul, I knew you'd appreciate this website!