Saturday, October 27, 2012

Messages to the Haves and the Have Nots...

Speaking on behalf of the 'Have Nots': We've all been there. We have friends or loved ones who seem to 'have it all': the great career, the amazing significant other, a loving family, a bevy of supportive friends, money to spare, the great house, the nice car, yada, yada, yada. And because we love these people, we are happy for them.  But we also know that deep down we are envious of the 'Haves' in this world. (I'm not talking about the rich and shameless, because they're ridiculous. Just those who are in our intimate circles.) Even though we do recognize the 'Haves' are the minority, we cannot help but wonder why they got it all and we got (seemingly) so little.  Therefore, I'd like to give some advice to these two divergent groups:

To the Haves: please remember that you are one of the lucky few who are fortunate to have gotten everything that most people can only dream of having. I know many of you recognize that you have a very fortunate life, but some of you (surprisingly) are unaware that you are incredibly blessed. Please try to remember that fact. Although, I would say please try to limit the amount of time you spend hawking how great your life is.  Those of us who don't 'have it all' find it incredibly disheartening.  Know that the 'Have Nots' are happy for you, but we don't really like constantly hearing how your life is fantastic. Nor do the 'Have Nots' want to hear how your life is crappy.  It's not!  :-)

To the Have Nots (or as I call them - my compadres): We know that life is inherently unfair! But we can at least know that minimally there is one thing in our lives that we have for which we can be grateful.  Figure out what it is (or they are... you just might have a couple) and focus on how fantastic that one item is. I give similar advice to you. Don't constantly complain about how your life is not as you want it to be. Very few people 'have it all'. 

For example, I am grateful to now be in a career that I love and for the handful of friends that I have.  I recognize that I will never have the rest, but I will content myself with these two elements. Oh, I'm also grateful for Oreo Double Stuf cookies!  Nom, nom, nom!


Jacqueline said...

Maybe I don't comment enough but I love your blog!

Sandi said...

AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW, thanks Jacqueline! Glad someone's reading it. ;-)

Jacqueline said...

If I'm anything to go by, more folks than you'd think are too. :-)

Sandi said...

LOL!! Nice to hear. I admit that I'm having fun with it, so even if no one read it, I'm (at the very least) amusing myself.