Sunday, October 21, 2012

An iTunes Self Challenge!

[Updated 10/22, 5:16 am] As I was recharging my iTouch today, I happened to glance down and noticed that I have over 6700 songs (a little more than 17 days worth of music) in my iTunes database. By comparison to some music whores, it's a paltry amount. But I calculated that I (perhaps) listen to approximately 5% of the database - if that!  Some of the music I've gotten bored with, some have unpleasant memories of people from my past, and some I've just forgotten about. Of course, I shouldn't punish perfectly fine music because of a few heartbreaking memories of a 'friend' who lied, manipulated, and weaseled their way through our 'friendship'. Ahem, but I digress.

Therefore, I've decided to challenge myself to listen to every song in my database - regardless of my feelings toward that music (boredom, past association, etc.)!  Now, I suspect that this challenge will take a considerable amount of time to complete.  If 6700+ songs is just over 17 days of 24 hours a day listening, with my limited schedule, I suspect it will take me approximately 4 months to complete this task - give or take a day. This challenge is definitely going to test my fortitude.

My plan is to go straight down the list from ABBA to ZZ Top and everything in between! I'm not sure I'll be able to complete this task but I'm going to do my best!  Wish me luck!!  (Anyone want to join in on this challenge??)

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