Sunday, May 20, 2012

Music Doesn't Lie - Part 2 (Blinded by the Light)

"Music doesn't lie. If there is something to be changed in this world,
then it can only happen through music." – Jimi Hendrix

Ever hear a song and flash back to a certain moment in your life.  Sure, you have.  Who hasn't?  

Today, as I was meandering through Oldies Marketplace, an indoor/outdoor marketplace in town, playing on the PA was Manfred Mann's Earth Band's cover of Blinded by the Light, which is superior to the Bruce Springsteen original (IMHO). I immediately flashed back to Summer of '77 when that song played almost constantly on the radio. Summer of '77 was my 'summer of adventure.' I was just old enough to not be monitored 24/7 by my mother, therefore my best friend, Terri and I took advantage of that and spent the entire summer coming up with more and more crazy adventures.  For example, trekking all over this mountainous area on our bikes, befriending an Amish girl who was about our age, had the crap scared out of us when a humongous dog chased us for a quarter of a mile, saw a lightening bolt split a tree neatly in half, ate enough wild cherries to make ourselves sick, barely lived through exploring an old run down, nearly condemned barn, and spent a goodly amount of time enjoying Terri's pool. Also, that was the summer that I discovered the Trixie Belden series of books. No one remembers Trixie Belden except a handful of devotees but they were the best books. I got through my formative years enthralled by Trixie's mystery adventures and Trixie (along with the Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew) solidified my love of mystery stories which still is in full force today.  Whenever I hear Blinded by the Light, I am immediately transported back to those simpler times when life was just fun and games and books.  There was still so much to look forward to, when the age of 20 seemed "old" and I had my whole life in front of me. What a glorious summer!!  Sing it, boys and thanks for the lasting memories!

To post the lyrics here would take up way too much space for this 7 minute long song.  You can read all the lyrics here.  The lyrics for this song were impossible to figure out on your own. (And no, the lyrics are not "Blinded by the Light, wrapped up like douche.")

Do you have a song that transports you to another time in your life??


Kim C. said...

That's going to be stuck in my head all day long now. Great song.

Sandi said...

‎:-) It's been stuck in my head all day too, Kim.