Saturday, May 12, 2012

I Think I'm in Love With Anderson Cooper!

Okay, maybe that's a bit extreme. I mean after all I don't actually personally know Anderson Cooper and I know that even if I did that he would not give me a so much as a second glance (just like the rest of the world doesn't), but I do think that he is pretty awesome. In the past, I had always admired him as a journalist, but quite frankly had never watched his 360 show -- that is, until recently.  I've started DVR-ing and watching him regularly and really find him to be a voice of reason in an unreasonable time.  Yes, he's got a liberal bias, but that's fine with me. But what really has confirmed his awesomeness is his RidicuList. During the final few minutes of his 360 news program, Anderson presents lighthearted social commentary on some of the most bizarre news items. One night, I sat and watched a bunch of them online back to back.  As they're usually only about two or three minutes in length, it's fairly quick viewing.

Hands down, the best video has got to be "Too Tan Mom," in which Anderson "focuses on the overly-tanned mom amidst accusations she brought her child into a tanning bed."  I have watched it several times and howled with laughter each time! His commentary couldn't be more accurate. This NJ-woman definitely belongs on the RidicuList and yet another reason I have distanced myself from ever acknowledging that I was born or lived in New Jersey. There are several other priceless ones: Anderson skewers Rush Limbaugh (long overdue IMHO), the "gay divorce" of Mike and Ike, and Anderson Cooper slams... well, Anderson Cooper.  If you aren't a fan of Anderson Cooper, you might become one if for no other reason than his RidicuList.  Check it out and tell me if you agree!!

Meanwhile, I will continue my imaginary love affair with the Silver Fox.


Lauren said...

Ooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhh!!!!!! Too Tan Mom is f-ing brilliant!

Frank C. said...

THAT was hilarious!