Monday, October 13, 2014

Car Trip Entertainment...

Have you ever traveled alone for a significant amount of time in a car? After a short amount of time, boredom creeps in. So what do you do? 

Today, I traveled from Newburyport to Philadelphia and spent approximately 6 hours alone in a car. By the time I hit the 1 hour mark, I was already pretty bored. I spent a good portion of the ride listening to music and singing, but even that got old after awhile. So I needed something else to do. I decided to play a game. I would pick a car at random and come up with a story as to where the person (or persons) was going and their story. It certainly made the trip a lot more interesting.

I had several wacky and weird stories. Outside of Boston, there was the 70-something man who was driving a red Porsche. He was (of course) on his way to his 20-something mistress's condo for a nooner, while his 70-something wife was checking out the 30-something gardener at their home in Newton. There was the soccer mom driving a minivan with 4 kids who I concluded were on their way to the mall to buy a birthday present for the father - condoms, hopefully. When I hit New Haven, I created my favorite story: driving along I-95, I saw a black Suburban with tinted windows and a New York license plate. I decided that the car housed a pair of FBI agents who had just moved a mafia soldier into witness protection in the suburbs of Connecticut and they were on their way back to Manhattan. (Yeah, okay, it's stolen a bit from...well, various movies.) But I swear that's exactly what this car looked like.

Between the music and my imagination, I managed to make my way to Philadelphia with minimum boredom. I flashed forward to my upcoming cross country trip in January and decided I better come up with a bunch more car entertainment or I'm never going to make it through the Midwest!

Anyone have good road trip games for one?


Stacie said...

Books on CD!!

Sandi said...

Sadly, no working CD player in my car. Also, I'm not much of a fan of books on tape.

Stacie said...

then I got nothing...

Lee said...

search for NPR everywhere....and you can probably get a cheap CD player that plugs into cassette deck.

Sandi said...

No cassette deck. I have a CD player, but it doesn't work. I'd have to get it repaired but don't have any interest.

Paul said...

I'm not a big fan of books on tape either, but I was able to get used to them for the times when I'm not able to read (walking to and from the train). I listened to "The Looming Tower" audiobook and it's the only reason I can pronounce any of the names. If you have a smartphone you can play them on that. There are also some good apps to learn or brush up on languages you might use in Europe.

Sandi said...

Excellent ideas, Paul.

Unknown said...

You could sell all this as a kit for $200! It worked so well. I'm awfully lucky to be married to this genius.
Surfers Rent A Car
61 7 5572 0600
2/11 Northview St Mermaid Waters QLD 4218