Saturday, August 13, 2011

Platitudes Everywhere!

If I have one more platitude thrown at me, I may lose my freaking mind!  I don't know about anyone else, but these trite, meaningless phrases are unbelievably annoying.  In the past 2 days alone, I've seen or heard dozens. 

Yesterday, I went to meet a very nice gentleman who might have been a prospective employer. He is an incredibly nice person and it's the only thing that kept me from shoving him out of his second story office. We were chatting about my job situation and he said for me not to listen to what others were saying about the current unemployment situation because: "You're the captain of your ship." That's almost as bad as: "Every cloud has a silver lining" or "It is what it is." Fine, I might be the captain of my ship, but it feels like the whole crew is mutinous because we are adrift at sea without a course. 

Others that have been bandied about are:  "Time heals all wounds," "It was meant to be," "Good things come to those who wait," "Everything happens for a reason" and so many more.  People are well meaning, but just stop with these ridiculous phrases.  I'm not saying that I haven't stupidly used these statements but I am working hard to stop.  If you want to give some sage advice, then think about the quality of your advice and don't just let loose any trite remark. 

What annoying platitudes are you tired of hearing?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If A is a success in life, then A equals x plus y plus z. Work is x; y is play; and z is keeping your mouth shut.

Albert Einstein 1879 - 1955