Sunday, September 7, 2014

Starting to Say Things

I've never been good at saying "goodbye" to people and things. It's true that I've gotten better over the past few years, but letting go is still really, really difficult for me. Looking around my apartment, I'm a little overwhelmed at the sheer magnitude of the amount of stuff that I need to purge from my life over the next few weeks. As I mentioned in a previous post, I'm not terribly sentimental, but I'm also not a heartless biotch (no matter what others have said to the contrary). 

Yesterday, I started making a little bit of a dent in purging things in my apartment. I started with little things that don't make a huge difference. I pulled all of my teacher books and materials which I'm bringing to school on Monday to donate to my colleagues (I gave my 2 week notice on Friday). I tossed my college notes and papers (yep, still had them) and middle and high school year books with only a little emotion over the yearbooks. Then, I howled with laughter, scanned, posted on Facebook, and then trashed my 6th grade class photo. Why the hell I still had my 6th grade class photo I have no idea! Man, the fashions in the late 70s were awful! Next to go, miscellaneous photos that aren't worth passing along to someone else and then I posted some collectible items on Ebay. Finally, last night, I went through my jewelry box and sorted out the "good" jewelry from the "junk" jewelry. This morning, I started on my clothing - creating two piles: one for consignment, one for charity. I've made a good start on a HUGE task and feel pretty good to finally get rid of stuff that I don't actually need (like my college notes and papers)!

There is one task which I should have started immediately: making a supreme effort to find a new home is my baby girl, Lotta, but I'm dragging my feet on completing this task. How do I say goodbye to the one of the few things that literally gives me unconditional love?!?! When I come home, she greets me every time at the door. Most nights, she sleeps next to me on my bed. Plus she is a constant source of amusement. How can I send this lovely fur face away?? I've considered taking her to the local feline rescue but I don't want to stress her out. Actually, that's only partially true, I also just don't want to say to goodbye to her. I know the longer I take to find her a new home, the harder it's going to be to let her go. <sigh>
My little sweetheart has to find a new home
and it's going to break my heart to say goodbye!
If you are or someone you know is looking for a loving, albeit mischievous, cat, please let me know! Meanwhile, I will continue to purge the stuff that I won't be selling at my upcoming moving sale. North Shore area friends: get your cash ready! There's lots and lots of stuff to that needs to go!


Alissa said...

I love you. A lot.

Sandi said...

I love you too, my darling. I expect to see you when I visit LA in January.

heather said...

Hope you got my message about kitty. My brave Beautiful friend!

Sandi said...

I did, Heather. Thanks!