Friday, September 19, 2014

The Last Days of School...

A student wrote this!
I don't think I've had a more emotional, gut wrenching, yet utterly amazing week. You see, this week I had to say goodbye to my students and colleagues. Most people go through life not knowing whether or not they made an impact, which is especially true for teachers. But every so often, we do get an answer.

I am overwhelmed and humbled with the outpouring of love and affection from everyone at my school. Most people who know me, know that I am not a fan of being in the spotlight. It's a strange thing for a performer to say. Usually we want to be front and center, but I have never been someone who likes having a fuss made over them, particularly as a teacher. I think everything should be about the students and not about me.

Therefore, when school started yesterday and I learned that the students had decided to make it "Ms. Smith Day" at BMF, I was floored and ever so slightly embarrassed. But as it was the wish of my amazing cherubs to have this day, I was more than willing to let myself be fussed over and you know what, everyone should have a chance to have a day all to themselves. It is a reminder that we are all worthwhile, special, and amazing people who deserve to be celebrated. I know, you'll say "Well that's what birthdays are for!" I hate birthdays... or let me say I hate celebrating my birthday. A random day that suddenly becomes your celebration day is way cooler.

Just some of the amazing things that happened yesterday and today were: a beautiful tribute read over the PA (see photo below), "Ms. Smith Day" t-shirts worn by students and colleagues to celebrate my big day, more cards and letters than I have ever had in my life and will take me days and days to read (mostly because I keep crying every time I read one), flowers, posterboards with messages, a t-shirt signed by students, delicious Dominican food, yummy cake, monetary gifts (which was way too much, but incredibly sweet), drawings, and other small gifts. As wonderful and sweet as all of these things were, the most important aspect was the students (both current and former -- plus one set of parents) who came to my classroom before and after school to spent time with me - even though it was through many tears but also laughter. I even received visits from students that had graduated last year and the year before. Wow!
A beautiful tribute!
My heart is breaking that I have to leave my BMF family. For the past two years, I have had the most amazing ride and I hate that it is ending. I made a vow to my students though, that each day that I have left will be dedicated to them. My travels are for them to learn from and live through. While my body is in Europe and wherever else it takes me, my heart will forever be with my students. 

To my students: I love you always and forever!
The sheer magnitude is astounding!


Tom said...

Can I get a t-shirt?

Bernadette said...

Very touching what a tribute!!

Sandi said...

Tom, I think they're sold out, but if you're nice, I'll give you mine. :-)

Jean said...

What a wonderful day for you! You must be quite a teacher

Jane said...

So awesome!

Jodi said...

OH MY !!! That is awesome!!!! I'm so proud of you, and happy they celebrated you. T-shirts for Ms. Smith Day!!! INCREDIBLE!! See.... "flavors of the month" don't get their own day with everyone wearing t-shirts for them!!! <3 <3

Sandi said...

Oh, well played, Jodster. Throwing my incredibly wrong words back in my face!!! xoxo

Agatha said...

Amazing, so glad they did that -- congratulations on not only making a difference but being made aware that you did. xxoo

Heather A said...

Your students & colleagues are so right! You are a force I remember you from Warren & Katz classes your powerfully beautiful voice and personality making everyone laugh. Pretty cool!!!! Love!

Sandi said...

Awwwwwwwwwww, thanks, Heather. Still not nearly as amazing as your puppeteering! :-)

Richard said...

You deserved it Ms.Smith

Candi (a friend of Jane W.) said...

I am so proud of you for representing the LPS in such a courageous manner. You are a model for the LPS community. I taught and administered in the LPS for 35 years. I can attest to the wonderful, caring people who work for the LPS and the compassion of the students. You have wonderful memories that will sustain you.

Sandi said...

Thanks, Candi. Rich, I'm not sure I agree with you, but thanks all the same. :-)

Marlene diaz said...

You are absolutely amazing! Glad you liked the card & speech i did ❤

Sandi said...

I loved it, Marlene. Thank you again and love you so!

Juan Hoggins said...

Ms. Smith! I'm Juan Hoggins, I'm happy that you're going to do the things you've always wanted to do. I'll follow your blog and you will be in the hearts of the people who know you and love you, wherever you go. We love you Ms Smith.