Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Living With Another Human Being

My crash pad in Philly. 
Do you live alone or with other people?

For the past, 20+ years, I have lived on my own -- ever since moving out of my parents' home. No roommates, no significant others, nothing. Over the course of those 20 years, I've always complained that my life has been a fairly lonely existence, but as the saying goes "watch what you wish for".

Let me start by saying: I love my eldest brother. He's funny, smart, and very verbose. Basically, he is me but older, taller and has a winkie. We're very much alike, although he's a more bellicose than I am. All that being said, this past weekend I received a glimpse of what it's going to be like sharing a living space with someone on two legs. It might get ugly quickly. :-)

It's me. After so many years of living alone, I'm going to find it very difficult living with another human -- even one that I love. I'm used to a certain way of living and having to adjust to another person's idiosyncrasies is going to be difficult. For example, I'm used to a certain quietness in my home. It's not nearly as peaceful at my brother's house. I don't watch the same shows that he does. (I do not get why The Simpsons is so amusing to some people.) I'm not even going to mention the one bathroom-two adult situation.

I will get used to it, I suppose but wow, teaching this old dog new tricks is going to be hard. Still, I thank him for allowing to crash in on his world. But I'm glad I'll be spending a considerable amount of the foreseeable future traveling so we don't kill each other.


Tom said...

First, there's no proof I have a winkie. Second, I believe bellicose is a compliment. We will figure out the bathroom situation before long. I will only subject you to mindless TV drivel occasionally. And my house is usually quiet?!?

Sandi said...

Sorry to assume that you have a winkie. I meant bellicose as a compliment. :-) With two people in a house, it's bound to be twice as noisy. I'm not complaining. I just know that it'll be an adjustment after 20 years of living solo.

Marianne said...

If he finds farts funny you have my empathy.,

Sandi said...

"Funny" is not a word I would use. Deadly...foul...noxious...toxic... :-)

Unknown said...

it seems like your having a lot of fun mother tell me how it goes sharing a room with another human being at bernisemartinez97@gmail.com and remember to keep smiling cuz your smile it worth a million smiles in the world xoxo Bernise

Sandi said...

Hi, Bernise. Stop checking out my blog when you should be in class!!!!