Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Weighing the Options - A Cancer Update

As I mentioned last week, I've been having some minor cancer-related health issues and had a CT scan last Friday. Today, I received the results from my oncologist and it's not great news. Of the two significant sized nodules - both have grown. One of the two has doubled in size from .5 cm to 1.0 cm. Plus the radiologist noted that there were "some" new nodules. What does "some" mean? Neither my oncologist nor I know. Are there 3, 4, 15 new nodules? 

With the growth of existing nodules and the additional ones, I have to make a decision on my options moving forward, which are:
  1. Go back to the chemotherapy treatment that I did last year in the hopes that it will reduce the size of the tumors (again).
  2. Take an anti-estrogen drug in the hopes that it'll reduce the size of the tumors.
  3. Take an antibody chemotherapy drug in the hopes that it will slow the growth of the tumors.
  4. Do nothing and let nature run its course.
First off, let me say that the treatment options at this point are palliative. There is nothing that is going to cure this disease. Right now it's all down to how much time and/or what quality of life I want to have. 

Quite frankly I have little to no interest in repeating the chemotherapy treatment from last year. People who have never been through chemo will always say "do the chemo" but it's a horrible way to spend your time. I hated it and swore that I would never do traditional chemo ever again - twice was twice too many. My oncologist gave me literature for the other two options and I'm not too enamored with these options either. Both have a bevy of annoying side effects: nausea, nose bleeds, exhaustion, muscle aches, pain, vomiting, diarrhea, etc. The anti-estrogen drug is the same drug (Tamoxifen) that I took 6 years ago after my bout with breast cancer and I think it's one of the reasons why I now have endometrial cancer. Major medical issues with Tamoxifen: endometrial cancer (too late), stroke, and blood clots in the lungs. Hmmmm... The antibody drug (Bevacizumab) has an interesting medical issue for lung cancer patients: sudden and severe lung bleeding! WTF! The treatments are worse than the disease, but the idea is that if either drug works, it would extend my life expectancy by perhaps 2-3 years.

In case anyone is wondering, I'm leaning toward number 4, which would give me a life expectancy of approximately one year. Now, this is my decision to make and while I appreciate any advice that people want to give, understand that I will do what I feel is right for me. I'm going to take some time reviewing my options and the literature before I make my decision and no matter what I decide, I expect that my friends and family will respect my decision.

As for the breathing pain that brought me to the doctor's office in the first place, the oncologist thinks I probably had some mild irritation in the pleural cavity (pleurisy), which has since cleared up. That is normal for pleurisy.


Maureen said...

Sandi, I'm so sorry that you are facing such a difficult decision. Wish I was there to give you a hug.

Jodi said...

<3 you. I have no words ... You shouldn't be dealing with this. I will call you soon. In the meantime. Lots of love and long distance hugs! Xo

Sandi said...

Thanks, Maureen. I actually felt your hug through the internet. Jodi, love you too! We'll talk soon. xoxo

Lee said...

I don't know what to say besides.... I love you, my friend. Whatever YOUR decision is....please know that I will support it. I, also, wish that I was closer to you- to help out in any way I can. If you need to vent- please call!! Please know that you are in my prayers!! Sending love and positive thoughts your way! HUGS!! <3

Marianne said...

You certainly have a lot to consider. Honestly, I have no idea what I would do. Know that I absolutely support whatever you decide. I cherish our friendship and am proud to be family! If there is anything that I can do just let me know.
Love you.

Sandi said...

Love you guys too. xoxo

Jennifer said...

Just sending hugs and thoughts from me and Tina....

Tina said...

You are one of the most courageous people I know. Sending many prayers and lots of love

Kimberly said...

I can't think of anything to say that hasn't already been said by one of the many people who care for you here.

Becky said...

I have a beautiful blue afghan on my living room chair that I see and love every day... I wish you were sitting with it. You are so strong and such an inspiration. XOXO

Sandi said...

Oh my goodness! You still have the afghan I crocheted??? So sweet!! xoxo

Agatha said...

So sorry to read this, trust your gut and get a second opinion unless you trust your doctor completely. Sending healing thoughts and a big hug to you. xxoo

Stacie said...

I am fucking pissed off!! And I love you.

Ildi said...

sending love. and healing thoughts. f*cking cancer

The Great American Songbook Foundation said...

Sandi - I always look forward to your posts, but I hate today's update! You have a lot of people that love and support you - me included. Please know I'm thinking of you and here if you need me.

Mary said...

Wow, that's rough. Sending you love and strength.

Jacqueline said...

Oh Sandi, I wish there was good news in this but it all seems so sad. We may not have years of friendship history but I'm so glad to know you. Whatever option you take, I support you 100%.

Sandi said...

The outpouring of love and support from all of you has brightened my day considerably. I've had to start telling colleagues and students, so it's been a pretty crappy day. Thank you all!!!

Diane said...

Sandi I am so sorry to hear this. Know that we are all here for you. My thoughts & prayers are with you. Love you!

Gretchen said...

Sandy, your bravery astounds me.

Unknown said...

Hi dear, I have been thinking of you lately and once in a while I read your blog. I just happened to read this one today. I hope you are enjoying life somewhere in the world right now.


Aline Lima :)

Sandi said...

Thanks, Aline. I'm having a great time. Miss you.