Sunday, September 22, 2013

Tom Brady Annoys Me!

Okay, I know I'm going to get a lot of flack from New England Patriots fans with the above statement, but seriously, he needs a reality check!  

First off, let me say, I'm not a football fan. I could not care less which team wins the Super Bowl and I spend my Sundays doing things that expand my mind and that means not watching a bunch of steroid-filled idiots bashing heads together. But I'll explain why I say that Tom Brady annoys me more than most football players. I was watching the morning news when I heard the following statement from Brady, said with much gravity:

"But I think there is a real urgency to what we do here. This is not tiddlywinks. This is real football. This is a real job."

Oh, c'mon! Seriously, dude - get a life! No, football is not tiddlywinks but it's far from a serious undertaking. You make more money than most people would see in 10 lifetimes and all it is a game! It's entertainment! Try to remember that. You're not curing cancer, you're not saving the world, you're not creating world peace. You're throwing a little ball around a park. And people pay an average of $117 a ticket to watch you do it - nearly $600 per ticket for premium tickets! I can think of 100s of better uses for my money. 

<grrr> Professional sports players irritate me to no end!  I'm going to go read a book.


Bonnie said...

Oh come ON Sandi. Get with the spirit. Go team! Get the puck in the basket!

Stacie said...

The title of your article made me snort laugh...but as an avid lover of said "game", I have to say that the joy, distraction and overall entertainment football provides me is much the same as the enjoyment you (and I) might get from say a dashing Colin Firth or a handsome Hugh Jackman playing their "game" on stage or screen. Don't hate the game, hate the playa! GO GIANTS!!

Sandi said...

Fair enough, Stace-alah! And I do hate the playa, which I know you concur regarding the aforementioned q-back! ;-)

Tom Smith said...

There are mirrors all over the world annoyed with Tom Brady's face.

Sandi said...
