Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Music Doesn't Lie - Part 24 (Who Will Love Me as I Am?)

"Music doesn't lie. If there is something to be changed in this world,
then it can only happen through music
." – Jimi Hendrix

Back in 1997, a new musical written by Bill Russell (book and lyrics) and Henry Krieger (music) arrived in New York City called Side Show, which was based on the lives of Daisy and Violet Hilton, a circus act of conjoined twins who were famous stage performers in the 1930s. It tells the somewhat authentic story of the twins transformation from side show freaks to vaudeville performers, and the failures of their love lives due to their conjoined status. A friend of mine got tickets for us to see it for free (the show wasn't doing well, so they were giving away tickets). I thought it was a marvelous show and I couldn't quite understand why it did so poorly; running for only 91 performances before closing. 

Today, I was listening to this musical and remembered all the reasons that I loved it 16 years ago - the gorgeous voices, amazing harmonies, moving lyrics, soaring music, fabulous story, etc. Mostly though, it's also how I relate really well to the twins - between their unrequited loves, missed opportunities in love, feeling like they were duped by the people they love, etc. Well, let's just say that it hits pretty close to home.  There's one song that particularly affects me on a personal level every time I hear it - "Who Will Love Me as I Am?" (lyrics).

I suppose we've all asked that question at sometime in our lives. Doesn't everyone feel that all we're looking for in this world is someone who will accept us as we are; despite our crow's feet, cellulite, flabby butts, and all the other imperfections? I know it's all I ever searched for and alas never found. I'm going to get a little preachy right now. For those of you who found that someone who accepts you for all your faults and foibles, cherish them! Remember there are far too many people out there who have not been lucky enough to find that person; or had it (or thought they had it) and then lost it.

Here's a live performance from the Rosie O'Donnell Show of the two amazing performers who originated the roles of Daisy and Violet: Alice Ripley and Emily Skinner singing this poignant song - "Who Will Love Me as I Am?"  (An honorable mention song from this show is "You Should Be Loved", sung by the amazing Norm Lewis and Alice Ripley. Makes me weep each time I hear it!)


Stacie said...


Sandi said...

When I was listening to "Leave Me Alone" I thought of you and Ildi. :-)