Saturday, June 1, 2013

For Once, Karma Has Come Through!

This posting is going to be pretty uncharitable but I'm allowing myself a little leeway here. Last September, I wrote a blog ("Karma for Users") about wanting certain types of people (aka "users") to get on the Karma bus, but I lamented that I would probably never find out if these "so and so's" would ever get their comeuppance. Okay, so this is where the uncharitable part comes in. An old colleague and friend from my past happened to call me the other day and gave me such satisfying news.  The two people, whom I most wanted to ride the Karma bus, got on the bus and got off it so much worse than I could ever imagine.  Heh heh! 

Yeah, I know, I shouldn't be quite as content as I am about these events, but these two people thoroughly ruined my personal and professional life for awhile that they richly deserve to be caught up in a shitstorm and I can satisfactorily report that both have suffered greatly. One got his professionally, the other got hers personally. Am I "happy" that one person lost their job and the other their spouse? Well, no. "Happy" is the wrong word. Am I satisfied that these two selfish, self-centered people finally got a much deserved kick in the pants? You better believe it. 

For once, I believe that Karma got this one right. Perhaps these two schmucks learned a lesson - probably not. A lesson to be learned for all - karma is a bitch and will get you one way or the other. Best to abide by the Golden Rule.

1 comment:

Jodi said...

hmmmmm, I think I might be able to read between the lines here......