Thursday, June 27, 2013

Proud to be an American - Well, This Week Anyway!

I don't always say that I'm a proud American. Frankly, there was a period of 8 years (between January 20, 2001 and January 20, 2009), where I spent a good portion of that time being downright ashamed to call America my home and, when traveling abroad, I would tell people I was Canadian. But some landmark events happened this week that made my liberal heart take wing and made me proud of my country!  

First, a big hug and thank you to Texas state senator, Wendy Davis who, in order to protect a woman's right to choose in Texas, staged a one-woman, 11-hour filibuster where she was not allowed to eat, drink, take bathroom breaks, or even lean on the podium. If you haven't heard about this amazing feat (because you've been in a coma), here's the lowdown: the governor and head douche bag of Texas, Rick Perry, had proposed a bill that would have made getting an abortion virtually impossible in Texas and Senator Davis did everything in her power to make sure that bill would not come up for a vote. There's some confusion as to what happened in the final moments before midnight but officially the vote was held too late. Now I'm not saying that abortion is right or wrong - that's up to each individual to decide for themselves, but I do not want any government telling me what I can or cannot do with my uterus... ummmm... well, I mean if I still had a uterus. I will repeat what I've said before: "Boys, until you have lady parts - you have no say in what women can do with theirs! Just stop!" Sad to say, Perry is calling for a second special legislative session beginning on July 1, which will allow the Texas statehouse another crack at passing this bill. Interestingly enough, on the evening before Texas's 500th execution, Perry brags about how "Texans value life..." Erm, yeah, right. Douche! Thank you, Senator Davis, for being a Vagina Warrior!

Second, a whew, a huge sigh of relief and much happiness that several cases before the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) were ruled in what I (and my liberal leaning friends) consider to be favorable. Again for the coma patients, 1996 Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) was ruled unconstitutional (about time!) and California's Proposition 8 was overturned. For those knuckleheads who are wondering how the two decisions will affect them, has written a 30 second guide to assist them. SCOTUS also overturned an adoption case in favor of the adoptive parents. It's a sad case in which there won't be any winners, but I think the Court made the correct decision.

Lastly, I say "well done" to Edward Snowden who is bringing Hollywood to life with his own reenactment of the 2004 movie, The Terminal starring Tom Hanks by flying into Moscow's Sheremetyevo airport but never leaving the terminal - if Vladimir Putin is to be believed. Here's what he has going for him at Sheremetyevo. Think he'll stay there 16 years like Mehran Karimi Nasseri did at Charles de Gaulle? Whether you consider him a traitor or a hero, this guy has got style!

What a banner week for America!

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