Sunday, August 26, 2012

A Pretend Wedding! Who's In?

Today, I was chatting with my favorite Starbucks barista, Monica (yes, I spend way too much time in my local Starbucks), who regaled me with a story of a wedding that she and her boyfriend attended yesterday.  It was quite the shindig from all accounts - a big outdoor wedding on a farm, a huge bonfire, live music, overnight camping, pig on a roast, farm fresh breakfast this morning, etc.  I said to Monica that it sounded like a great party and that it makes me want to plan my own wedding. Of course, I have one big issue with that - no significant other. And seeing as how I'll never be getting married, I told her that I perhaps I could plan a "pretend" wedding.  She was on board with the idea.

Here's the idea:  I'll ask a few of my actor friends to play the important roles of fiancĂ©/groom, minister, witnesses, etc. and then we'll invite real guests who, of course, will bring real presents - and have the party of the century.  I figure it's the least I should do for all the weddings that I've had to pay to attend.  Reminds me of the episode of Sex and the City ("A Woman's Right to Shoes") when Carrie Bradshaw registers herself at Manolo Blahnik, in recognition of her just-announced marriage to herself in order to replace a pair of stolen shoes. 

Waddya think??  Actor friends: anyone have a minister's costume or a tuxedo and are willing to play some demanding roles?? 


Paige said...

sounds good, as long as you don't make me wear an icky bridesmaid gown....

Sandi said...

I would never subject my friends to those horrendous gowns. You'd look fabulous in this:

Paige said...

great - you've already picked out dresses for your pretend wedding??!!! btw - I am personally not a fan of one shoulder dresses...what else you got?

Sandi said...

Well, weddings take a long time to plan so I'm getting a jump start. How about this one instead??

Paige said...

I like that - what are you wearing?

Sandi said...

Well, if I stop eating, in about a year - I could possibly get into this one: Otherwise, I'll be going to Massachusetts Tent and Awning and having them make me a dress. :-)

SnarkyTom said...

Can I play the annoying, scary creepy uncle part?

Paige said...


Sandi said...

Ooooh, that's a very good role for you, Tom. Although, I do need someone to walk me down the aisle and as my eldest brother, it should be you.